Sunday, March 18, 2012


Thanks for stumbling in. I say stumbling because if you are reading this you're probably reeling from trying to figure out the opposite sex in general and southern boys in particular. This blog has started because several of my friends have or have had sucessful and uncessful relationships with Southern Men. We've found them charming yet baffling because we are GASP northern girls. I'm hoping to keep this light and entertaining yet thoughtfuly real. I posted this first on facebook half a as a joke and here are some of the comments I got.

First and foremost-Don't. But if you have to because you DO live in the south and what options are there? Date them but don't marry them, unless you are prepared to learn how to deal with THE momma. Because she. will. always. be. a. part. of. their. life. And she will always see him as her little boy.

From a southern girl-Don't date them, leave them to us southern girls who understand them and their mamas.-See above!

Also from one happily married northern girl, married to a southerner, get along with their mama and play with their guns. Again, see number one above.

From a male friend of mine, become one with the tractor. Also from the same man-northerner-drink lotsa whiskey drive the tractor and shoot the gun and you'll have men running to you.

And again from the southern girl-I think to deal with the Mamas you have to realize she is always going to see him as her little boy no matter what. Even if you don't always agree with her, you have to remember she did some things right or she wouldn't have raised her baby into a man you actually want to marry. Although, I have no problem with my mother-in-law, we all know I have the best one ever, but I know a lot of people aren't so lucky. Also learn to cook, and cook good southern food (talk to Mama, she'll be happy to tell you how)

Again with the mamas girls. So girls meet mama first! Get to know her, and try and love her, then her baby will love you too.


  1. I remember meeting my late mother in law the first time. She was rather unnerved that her son was involved with a Yankee girl...until Dennis proceeded to tell her my mother's people were from the Memphis area...all of a sudden I became the greatest thing since sliced bread. She and I became close and never had a cross word. RIP Ruth Laverne Etheridge

  2. What a nice story Denise! I'm glad your late mama in law was a good one. I've had good ones too.

  3. I used to tell Dennis, I only stayed married to him was because I loved his mother, ha! (Sometime I'll fill you in on the ex mum inlaw from England...but that's the next book.)

  4. My grandfather first saw my grandmother at a high school debate team event. They lived in a small town in western Kentucky, which is probably even more southern than the rest of the state. My grandmother was a very smart, straight-A student. She was on the debate team. One of the opposing debaters said something attacking her position on whatever it was they were debating, and she said something smart-alecky right back to him. My grandfather was like "who is THAT girl?" and he got his friends to introduce him to her. Their first date: a TRACTOR SHOW!! LOL But don't knock it. That marriage lasted over 60 years. Southern men are very casual, or "laid back" (is the term they prefer to use). They aren't the guys you'll meet at a wine tasting. Those wine tasting guys are all from out of town. All southern boys are mama's boys. Pray she's a nice one. :)
